Green Office Sustainable Campus Project

Zero Waste Kot

Tips and Tricks for Reducing Waste


Objective of the project

The Zero Waste Kot project is one of the five Sustainable Campus projects of the ULiège Green Office. Its aim is to make students aware of the impacts of waste production and to encourage them to reduce them on a daily basis.


On average, 550 kg of waste is collected in Wallonia per person per year. In Belgium, 35% of household waste is recycled and 20% is composted. The rest is incinerated or landfilled. Of the 715,624 tonnes of plastic waste only 43.4% is recycled. Some of it is exported for processing abroad (Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.).  Belgium is the 5th largest exporter of plastic waste in the world with 6.9% of global exports.

Suggested solution

The Green Office will share tips and tricks to reduce waste production at home: zero waste meals, training in the manufacture of sustainable cosmetics and cleaning products, ...


Workshops on green and "zero waste" product design for students will be held in October and November 2020. A collection of plastic caps will also be organised in order to promote their local recycling by the students of the 'Plaskot' project kot at Helmo School.

Our experts consulted

Catherine Henrist (Faculty of Science)

Contribution to Agenda 2030

This project is in line with the Sustainable Development Objectives of the United Nations' Global Agenda 2030, including 12 "Sustainable Consumption and Production", 14 "Aquatic Life" and 15 "Terrestrial Life".

ODD 12 : Consommation et production responsables
Établir des modes de consommation et de production durables Le douzième objectif est un appel pour les producteurs, les consommateurs, les communautés et les gouvernements à réfléchir sur leurs habitudes et usages en termes de consommation, de production de déchets, à l’impact environnemental et social de l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de nos produits. Plus globalement, cet ODD réclame de comprendre les interconnexions entre les décisions personnelles et collectives, et de percevoir les impacts de nos comportements respectifs entre les pays et à l’échelle mondiale.

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