Green Office Sustainable Campus Project


Baskets of local fruits and vegetables on our campuses


Objective of the project

The Court-Circuit project is one of the five Sustainable Campus projects of the ULiège Green Office. Its objective is to make students aware of the benefits of a healthy and sustainable diet and to promote the distribution of baskets of local fruit and vegetables on our campuses.


A quarter of our carbon footprint is due to our diet, with animal protein production having the greatest impact. Food has an ecological impact throughout its life cycle: production of raw materials, manufacturing or processing, transport and distribution, use, waste. It also has a social impact, on our health, on the fair remuneration of producers, ... 

Proposed solution

The ULiège Green Office offers to promote the distribution of fruit and vegetable baskets from local farmers.

In order to make students aware of sustainable food and to support them in this way, the Green Office will also offer 3 educational tools:

  1. A decision tree that allows to make choices according to the desired impacts. For example, if we want to reduce our CO2 emissions, the most impacting option is to reduce our meat consumption. To improve our health and that of the environment, we will choose to eat a balanced diet and buy seasonal, organic or sustainable products. To promote the local economy, we will buy local, which also has a positive impact on the environment (by reducing the impact of transport).
  2. A summary table including mass consumption foods annotated with their impacts throughout their lifecycle.
  3. Recipes with products that are good for our health, our local economy and the environment


Contacts have been made with different cooperatives of local producers to offer solutions dedicated to the students' needs (specific foods...).

An analysis is underway in order to know precisely the impacts of our different sources of food in order to give leads and offer sustainable recipes.

Our experts consulted

Kevin Marechal (Faculty of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech), Michèle Guillaume (Faculty of Medicine).

Contribution to the Agenda 2030

The project contributes to several objectives of the United Nations Global Agenda 2030, including 12 "Sustainable Consumption and Production" and 13 "Combating Climate Change".

ODD 2 : Faim « zéro »
Éliminer la faim, assurer la sécurité alimentaire, améliorer la nutrition et promouvoir une agriculture durable Le deuxième objectif vise à éradiquer la faim et la malnutrition en garantissant l’accès à une alimentation sûre, nutritive et suffisante pour tous. Il appelle à la mise en place de systèmes de production alimentaire et de pratiques agricoles durables et résilients.
ODD 12 : Consommation et production responsables
Établir des modes de consommation et de production durables Le douzième objectif est un appel pour les producteurs, les consommateurs, les communautés et les gouvernements à réfléchir sur leurs habitudes et usages en termes de consommation, de production de déchets, à l’impact environnemental et social de l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de nos produits. Plus globalement, cet ODD réclame de comprendre les interconnexions entre les décisions personnelles et collectives, et de percevoir les impacts de nos comportements respectifs entre les pays et à l’échelle mondiale.

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