100% local soups at attractive prices in ULiège cafeterias and university restaurants, another step towards sustainability 

In Nutrition News and agendas

All soups are now made from 100% local vegetables. This initiative aims to provide healthy, sustainable and affordable options for students and staff.

The small soup is sold for just €1.15, while a large soup with bread is available at an equally attractive price of €2.15. For those looking to combine their soup with a meal or half sandwich, a combo offer is also available for an additional charge of just €0.50.

The Administrator points out that the University of Liège increases the subsidy allocated for healthy foods such as fruit, salads and soups. "Our objective for the end of 2025 is to obtain an official 'sustainable canteen' label, underlining our commitment to food that respects the environment and health."

For all other dishes on offer, the ingredients used also come - as far as possible - from local sources, and each meal is accompanied by a "youmeal" sheet detailing its composition. In order to combat food waste, ULiège has also introduced flash sales, which enable customers, ½h before the end of service, to benefit from a 50% discount on the day's unsold food (salads, sandwiches and pokebowls) whose use-by date has passed the following day.

ULiège has also set up sorting tables to encourage recycling, as well as a waste reporting system , and has significantly reduced the use of single-use crockery in its various restaurants. Water fountains are now available at all sites.

Find out more about sustainable food at ULiège

ODD 12 : Consommation et production responsables
Établir des modes de consommation et de production durables Le douzième objectif est un appel pour les producteurs, les consommateurs, les communautés et les gouvernements à réfléchir sur leurs habitudes et usages en termes de consommation, de production de déchets, à l’impact environnemental et social de l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de nos produits. Plus globalement, cet ODD réclame de comprendre les interconnexions entre les décisions personnelles et collectives, et de percevoir les impacts de nos comportements respectifs entre les pays et à l’échelle mondiale.

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